Make Your Truck More Functional With These Additions

Owning a truck means having a versatile vehicle that can be used for both traditional transportation and heavy hauling. A standard truck can be used for many purposes but adding onto your truck to customize the machine to meet your needs best is the ideal way to get the most value for your investment. Consider these additions to make your truck more functional for a variety of uses.

Tow package

A tow package is needed to allow your truck to haul trailers and other equipment, such as motorhomes. You can get a tow package installed by your licensed truck dealership if you want to keep your vehicle under warranty with additions.

Side mirrors/tail lights

If you're adding a tow package to your truck, add longer side mirrors to your truck for easier maneuvering and sight control and special tail lights to make your vehicle more visible on the road. Since your vehicle will be able to haul longer trailers — or even other vehicles — you want to make sure you increase visibility for easier and safer driving. All these additions can be made by the mechanic at your truck dealership.

Bed liner

A bed liner is a specially fit lining that goes inside and along the inner sides of your truck. This bed liner protects your truck bed against water damage and rust, scratches, dents, and other damages. This way, you can haul a variety of materials and machinery without worrying about putting your truck bed under stress and wear. You can choose from a variety of coated and friction-based liners to make loading and unloading things easier.

Side steps

If your truck has a lift kit, then consider getting side steps installed on your vehicle so you can make getting in and out of your truck easier. This is especially needed if you also use your truck for family use and have a hard time getting car seats and small children in and out of your vehicle.

Pedal extenders

If you're a shorter driver, then driving your large pickup becomes a hassle. Rather than move your seat so close to the steering wheel that you pose a driving risk on the road, talk to your truck dealer about having custom pedal extenders installed in your vehicle. These extenders allow you to adjust the brake, clutch, and acceleration pedals of your truck so you can drive easier. They can be adjusted for other drivers as well so that everyone can drive your truck in comfort.

There are many ways you can customize your truck for better driving. Talk to your auto dealer to learn all the truck equipment and parts you can place on your truck, along with their costs for installation.
